A 100% Commission Item! Dropship Price $3.00!! лллллллП лллллллП ллллллллП ллллллллП ллП ллП ллллП лллллллП ллкФФФФй ллкФФФФй РФФллкФФй РФФллкФФй ллГ ллГ Рллкй ллкФФФФй ллГ лллП лллллП ллГ ллГ лллллллГ ллГ лллллллП ллГ РллГ ллкФФй ллГ ллГ ллкФФллГ ллГ РФФФФллГ лллллллГ лллллллП ллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ ллллП лллллллГ РФФФФФФй РФФФФФФй РФй РФй РФй РФй РФФФй РФФФФФФй лллллллП ллллллП ллП лллллллП ллкФФллГ ллкФллГ ллГ ллкФФФФй ллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ лллллП ллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ ллГ ллкФФй $10.00 + $3.00 S&H лллллллГ ллГ ллллллГ лллллллП РФФФФФФй РФй РФФФФФй РФФФФФФй This offer is included with HOMEBIZ.101!/MAX!/PLUS! If you only buy one disk this year, make it this one! EARN CASH NOW! Sell The MAIL ORDER PC GAZETTE Disk Catalog Of Home-Business Money-Making Opportunities And KEEP 100% OF THE SALES PRICE! THE MAIL ORDER PC GAZETTE and YOUR 200 WORD AD TO THOUSANDS Just $10.00 + $3.00 S&H The Mail Order PC Gazette is the best PC Disk Catalog\Newsletter\Demo\ Advertiser in the business! It's dedicated to helping the PC entrepreneur earn money fast! You can EARN CASH FAST by putting your name on the MOPC Gazette disk menu & order form and selling it AND more than a dozen proven OPPORTUNITIES ONLINE products and dealerships! The orders come to you! YOU CAN EARN CASH JUST AS FAST with your camera-ready 8 x 10 circular that pays you $10.00 for each sale! Just send us the shipping charge & the customer's name, address and ad copy, and we'll take it from there! This way, you can bring in the cash without ever having to copy a disk or ship any product! We do it all! THE ORDERS NEVER STOP when you distribute the circular or your MOPC GAZETTE PC Disk with your name on the opening menu and online order form! You'll bring in CASH orders fast for products like: The Family Computer Guide To Drugs & Drug Abuse * HOMEBIZ.101 * CA$H.EXE ADS.EXE * Writing & Selling Disk-Based Information Products * Earning Cash With Your Commercial BBS * The Family Guide To Drugs Reprint Disk * Drug Awareness Screen Saver * PC Disk & BBS Advertising * And MORE! #*# And remember, you don't need to copy disks if you don't want to! You can EARN CASH FAST with your camera-ready circular! Sell this offer and keep $10 on every sale! Here's what you do: Send your 200 word ad (on disk as a text file) and $10.00 + $3.00 S&H to the distributor of this disk. Here's what we do: We'll send you the latest copy of the MOPC Gazette containing your ad, and your name on the opening menu and on the online order form! You make 50% to 100% commission on all OPPORTUNITIES ONLINE products ** and advertising you sell by distributing the disk! We'll post your ad on the master copy of MOPC Gazette, AND on the OPPORTUNITIES ONLINE Mail Order Entrepreneur Computer Bulletin Board System for 60 days! Your ad will be seen by thousands when disks with your ad are distributed by other dealers, and as BBS callers view it online! We'll send you a camera-ready copy of an 8 x 10 circular paying you $10.00 for each MOPC Gazette dealership you sell! Make copies of the circular, mail them out, and EARN CASH without copying a single disk! We'll fill the orders for $3.00! Sell or distribute your new PC disk catalog. Send the disk to shareware distributors and upload it to bulletin boards! We fill all your orders and you earn 50% to 100% commission! Today's Entrepreneurs are moving into the electronic publishing & advertising age! Order today! 3.5" disk only. #*# All products, prices, terms subject to change without notice. We are constantly improving our product line. Some titles have been combined to enhance profitablity! ** A few products are not included in the distributors version of the Mail Order PC Gazette. These are products that we must buy at wholesale from other sources and therefore we cannot give any further discount on these items. Distributors can and do receive large commissions on our own products, which make up the bulk of the catalog.